MAX CAVALERA Says He 'Wouldn't Dare' Re-Record SEPULTURA's 'Chaos A.D.' And 'Roots' With His Brother IGOR

October 4, 2024

In 2023, Max and Igor Cavalera revisited their earliest SEPULTURA releases, "Morbid Visions" and "Bestial Devastation", and re-recorded them with bone-breaking intensity. Earlier this year, they entered the final chapter of their early-days trilogy by releasing a re-recorded version of SEPULTURA's "Schizophrenia". Asked by's Oran O'Beirne if any of the other SEPULTURA albums will also get the re-recording treatment, Max said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "Fans have asked us that, and there's both sides of the argument. Some people say we should do the other ones, but I think it's okay. I think those three are the ones that really needed it, because they were done in Brazil. Once [producer] Scott Burns got involved — I don't have a problem with the 'Beneath The Remains' sound. I think it sounds great. It has that Scott Burns sound that is a stamp of the death metal sound of the era. And I wouldn't dare touch 'Chaos A.D.' and 'Roots'."

Max added: "We kind of know our barriers and we know our limitations, which is good. Some bands don't — some people don't; they just keep going. I think we're gonna play a live it, though. I would love to see a 'Chaos A.D.' tour [with Max and Igor's CAVALERA project]… That's totally on the table. That's on the table."

SEPULTURA fell apart in 1996 with the exit of Max after the rest of the Brazilian four-piece split with the vocalist/guitarist's wife Gloria as their manager. Max's brother, drummer Igor stuck around with the group for another ten years before leaving SEPULTURA and re-teaming with Max in CAVALERA CONSPIRACY.

For the new versions of "Morbid Visions", "Bestial Devastation" and "Schizophrenia", the Cavalera brothers enlisted Travis Stone (PIG DESTROYER) on lead guitars. The full lineup would consist of more Cavalera alumni, as Igor Amadeus Cavalera (GO AHEAD AND DIE, HEALING MAGIC) once more brought his talents on bass to the fold.

CAVALERA's version of "Schizophrenia" was recorded from April 15, 2023 to June 5, 2023 at Focusrite Room in Mesa Arizona. Mixing and mastering was handled by Arthur Rizk (SOULFLY, GO AHEAD AND DIE, TURNSTILE). The original "Schizophrenia" cover artwork was restored in hand-painted watercolors by Eliran Kantor.

Although SEPULTURA has maintained a diehard fanbase in all parts of the world throughout the band's nearly four-decade history, Max-era albums "Roots" and "Chaos A.D." were by far SEPULTURA's most commercially successful, having both been certified gold in the U.S. for sales in excess of five hundred thousand copies.

In December 2023, SEPULTURA announced that it would celebrate its 40th anniversary this year by embarking on a "farewell tour" which will cover the entire globe.

SEPULTURA's current lineup comprises guitarist Andreas Kisser, vocalist Derrick Green, bassist Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr. and touring drummer Greyson Nekrutman, who officially replaced SEPULTURA's longtime drummer Eloy Casagrande in February.

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